Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rest in the Mess

Life can get messy.
So much can go wrong,
But God is still God.
He remains strong.
He calls to the weary.
He calls the burdened to Him.
In God we find rest.
In Him a new load,
One that’s much lighter
For He carries it with us,
One that brings rest,
Sweet rest for our souls.
He offers us His yoke.
Learn with Him in control.
He’ll teach us to be humble
And gentle like Him.
If we'll serve Him each day,
Get off our own thrones,
Then this life, through messy
Can bring glory to Him.
And if we look through the mess,
We’ll find He is right there,
Holding on to us daily.
Let us find Him in prayer.
Hold nothing back,
Bring it all to His feet,
But don’t stop at that,
Praise His name for His greatness.
Read His word each day
And walk His walk with our lives,
And praise Him, O praise Him
As we walk through the mess.

~reflection on Matt. 11:28-30 and life right now

Monday, August 3, 2009

Take It To The Lord

Our minds keep on racing.
Can’t seem to slow down.
We all have our troubles,
The cares of this world.
So what’s one to do?
We can’t take any more.
What’s one to do
With all the stuff we bear?

Take it to the Lord.
Take it to the Lord.
Give it to Him.
Give it to Him.
Take it to the Lord.
Take it to the Lord.
He can handle it.
He can handle it.
Why do we try
To do it on our own
When we know
That he’s near?
Take it to the Lord.
Take it to the Lord.
The one who cares
He’ll carry your cares.

We feel weighed down
With all our worries,
But He can bring peace.
Just give it to Him.
One day at a time,
Let’s live for His glory.
It’s all in His hands.
Let’s trust and obey.

Take it to the Lord.
Take it to the Lord.
Give it to Him.
Give it to Him.
Take it to the Lord.
Take it to the Lord.
He can handle it.
He can handle it.
Why do we try
To do it on our own
When we know
That he’s near?
Take it to the Lord.
Take it to the Lord.
The one who cares
He’ll carry your cares.