Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

Freedom has never been free.
It always comes at cost.
We often take for granted
All that freedom costs.

If we start to feel perhaps
Our freedom slipping away,
We do not take it lightly.
We want our liberty.

But are we truly thankful
For those who walked before us,
For those who walk beside us,
Ensuring we stay free?

All those gravestones line the ground.
All those flags wave freely.
All those soldiers say goodbye
And leave someone behind weeping.

No, freedom never has been free.

How thankful that I am 
That death is not the end,
That by the death of our dear Lord
We’re free from death and sin.

Today I’m truly thankful
For freedom in this life 
And for those who bought that freedom.

Praise Jesus, praise the Son!