Wednesday, January 2, 2019

20 Years: And We Stand Together Forever

“Canon in D,”
“To Make You Feel my Love,”
“Standing on Holy Ground.”
I was walking on air 
Because you were there 
Marrying me that day.

I looked at you.
We were so in love.
And you stood by me.
And you stand by me.
And we stand together forever.

Moving away from home,
College Degrees,
Buying our first home.
Great adventure with you 
As we learned and grew
Doing life just us two.

I looked at you.
We were so in love.
And you stood by me.
And you stand by me.
And we stand together forever.

Baby makes three
And then four, five, six,
And even seven.
Twenty years and two more moves.
I still love our life 

I look at you.
We are so in love.
And you’ve stood by me.
And you stand by me.
And we stand together forever

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Deliberate in 2019

Deliberate is the word that I have chosen for 2019. With a move in this new year, I think it will be the perfect word to walk with as I seek to walk in the good works God has prepared for me. My verse is Ephesians 2:10.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good 
works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should 
walk in them.
Ephesians 4-10 is a beautiful passage about God’s rich mercy and love that made us alive in Him by His grace. What a gift! Because He has prepared good works for me, His child, I want to be deliberate in walking out His works. I want to be deliberate in walking out a life of love in worship of my Savior. Twenty years ago January 2nd, Ephesians 5:1-2 was read at our wedding.
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk
in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, 
offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.
Deliberate is defined as done consciously and intentionally. It is from the Latin deliberatus, meaning “considered carefully.’ It can be translated deliberate, determined, resolved upon, and worked out. This is how I desire to live my Christian life. Colossians 3:17 is a great verse to remind me that this is my calling.
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the 
Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
I wrote a poem/song to start off this year. I hope to write more this year. I have started a Bible study on encouragement and Lord-willing will finish it this year.
May it be a blessed year! All praise to Jesus!

Do we live our lives like they matter?
Do we really know why we’re even here?
If we really know all about Jesus,
We know each day is made for Him.

Be deliberate.
Do it on purpose.
Be deliberate
Every day.

Ev-er-y day
Ev-er-y hour
Ev-er-y moment
Let’s be deliberate
In honoring Him.

He created us to worship Him.
He created us to live for Him.
Let’s live and breathe the love of Christ.
Let’s live our lives to worship Him.

Be deliberate.
Do it on purpose.
Be deliberate
Every day.

Ev-er-y day
Ev-er-y hour
Ev-er-y moment
Let’s be deliberate
In honoring Him.

In Christ Jesus, we are created
For good works, which He’d prepared.
Now let’s walk in them
The way He planned for us.
Let’s walk in them deliberately.

Be deliberate.
Do it on purpose.
Be deliberate
Every day.

Ev-er-y day
Ev-er-y hour
Ev-er-y moment
Let’s be deliberate
In honoring Him.