Friday, August 19, 2011

Born Into Heaven

Born into heaven

But made a difference on Earth.

Isn’t it amazing

How God works?

We hurt and we cry.

We mourn that he died,

But isn’t it amazing

How God works?

God knit him together

In His mother’s womb.

He made him special

So glory he’d bring.

Glory, glory,

It’s all for God’s glory.

Isn’t it amazing

How God works?

Joshua means

That God saves,

And He’s still in the saving business.

And by God’s grace

Joshua now brings Him praise

As he stands at the throne of the Savior.

And souls here on Earth

Are turned toward the Lord

All because of a baby.

Isn’t it amazing

How God works?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Praise You

Praise You.
I will praise You.
When it all falls apart,
I will praise You.
Some days look
A lot better than others.
Some days feel
A lot nicer.
I like to see You
In the smiles and the laughter,
But sometimes You shine
Through the tears.
Let me see You.
Let me see You in this.
When it all falls apart,
Let me see You.
And I'll praise You.
I will praise You through this.
Please hold me so close
that I'll praise You.