Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017 with the Merciful One

MERCY was the word I chose for 2017. It was a year spent in the Word, looking at just how merciful my Lord and Savior was and is and will always be.  It was a year of seeing that mercy is so much more than just withheld punishment, although it does include that for sure. God’s mercy is so rich, so full of love, undeserved love. It is so closely tied to grace that I can hardly speak of His mercy without speaking of His grace. His compassion, His lovingkindness, His forbearance toward mankind, once His enemies, is indescribable. Oh how He loves us.

I enjoyed reading through the entire Bible this year, a great deal aloud with my children (which was a HUGE blessing), and page after page, I saw my merciful Savior. It truly is a story about One God and His love for a people who do not deserve His favor, who fail time and time again, but who He chooses to show mercy to time and time again, who He lavishes with grace time and time again.   

I thought this year was going to be all about how I could be more merciful, and I definitely think that God is showing me where I need more mercy, but it really wasn’t about me at all. It was all about Him, about His mercy, about His story for all mankind, His desire to show them mercy by the giving of the Son. As I reflect back on Christmas, and I think forward towards Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, I am in awe of my God, Who loves us enough to step down from the glory of Heaven to show us mercy, that we might receive His grace, that we might believe, that we might receive adoption as sons of God, that we might have eternal life in Him. (John 3:16, John 6:38-40, Galatians 4:4-5) He did this while we were still sinners, still enemies (Romans 5:8-10). By His great mercy, He reconciled us to Himself.

It has been many years since the Lord made me His own, since I was born again, since I called upon the name of the Lord and was saved, but as long as I walk upon this earth, I will daily need His mercy, and praise God He provides. (Hebrews 4:6) I am so incredibly thankful to have the very Word of God at my fingertips, to be able to freely share the Word with my children, with other children as I serve at my church, with women in my community, with friends, with the world. It is not only an incredible privilege; it is my duty because of the mercy He has bestowed on me. May I stay in a place of awe of the God Who loves us enough to give us His very words for life. (John 6:68) Life does have an instruction book, and the Creator of Life, full of mercy and grace gave it to us. We can know His will as we read His Word.

2017 has been a good year of walking with the Merciful One. I am still in great need of His lessons on mercy and pray He continues to lead me to be merciful as He is merciful. (Luke 6:36) Now on to 2018, thankful that I never walk alone, that I can be strong and courageous, for my Savior will never fail me or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6), and on to a new word: NOURISH (Ephesians 4).
Mercy, it saved me.

Mercy sustains me.

Mercy’s a gift from my Savior.

May mercy be mine to share.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm23:6


Monday, December 25, 2017

I Pray You See Jesus

Life gets so busy.
Sometimes it’s hard to be still,
Sometimes hard to focus,
Hard to see what is real.
We can walk through this life,
Just passing the time,
But I pray that you don’t miss
The Christmas Child.
Yes, I pray you see Jesus
For we all need a Savior.
I pray you see Jesus
And find His arms open wide.

That Christmas Child,
He grew into a man,
He spread His arm open
And unfolded the plan.
Mankind all rebelled
Against our Holy Creator.
There was no hope for us
Without this Mediator.
Yes, I pray you see Jesus
For we all need a Savior.
I pray you see Jesus
And find His arms open wide.

From the beginning of sorrows,
The answer’s always the same:
The Christmas Child.
Every page cries His name.
All praise to Christ Jesus!
He came to save!
This Christmas, let’s praise,
The One Who died in our place!
Yes, I pray you see Jesus
For we all need a Savior.
I pray you see Jesus
And find His arms open wide.

Merry Christmas from the McLennan Family 2017