Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Comes to an End with Deliberate

        At the beginning of 2019, I decided to walk through the year with the word deliberate.  I had successes and failures throughout the year, but the goal was to walk out the year deliberately walking out the good works God has so mercifully prepared for me as Ephesians 2:10 says,
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good 
works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should 
walk in them.
And God is so good. The failures are not for nothing. The hurts are not for nothing. The good, the bad, it’s all for His glory. It’s for our good. It’s all filtered through His great love for His people.
               I was driving a few days ago and thinking about this year, about how I walked out the year with deliberate. I was thinking about how I didn’t really think about the word a lot during the year. I just wanted to live the life God has for me and to live it for His glory. I fail daily, but I know that I must keeping walking forward in faith, knowing one day He will make all things right, knowing He is still working in me. I thought about past years and the words I have chosen and how this is not about me; it’s always about learning more about God, more about His great mercy, his faithfulness, etc. And this year was no different. It hit me: God is always deliberate. Through sermons from Judges, Ruth, and a series on evil and suffering, the truth is there that God is deliberate. He is sovereign over all of His creation.  His purposes are good. It can be an incredibly hard truth to wrestle with, but in it is found great peace. It was His deliberate plan and by His foreknowledge that Jesus Christ was handed over to be crucified (Acts 2:23). It is for great good that Christ came into this world to save sinners. It is for great good that through suffering and evil, we see God’s great goodness, mercy, and grace.
               2019 was a good year. God is growing our family in knowledge of Him in our new home. I look forward to what God has planned for 2020. May we walk it out for His glory.