Saturday, December 25, 2021

He Came to Save (Christmas 2021)

Our Sovereign Savior came to earth.

Glorious ones announced His birth.

They came to shepherds keeping sheep.

The message made them run and leap

To see the Babe, to see the King,

The One Who came to save.

They beheld the Lamb of God.

These lowly shepherds gave Him laud.

He came to do what man could not,

To walk our road, to take our lot.

To keep the law, to die our death,

The One Who came to save.

The invitation: come believe,

Come by faith and come receive

Salvation from Christ our Lord

Jesus the One by shepherds adored.

Because He loved, because He paid,

Because He came to save.

Christmas 2020

 I AM: Before time began He was.

CREATOR: Without Him nothing was made that was made.

IMMANUEL: God with Us is His name.

SON OF DAVID: Prophecy fulfilled, He’s King of Kings.

FRIEND OF SINNERS: Praise God for His mercy to us.

SAVIOR OF MAN: He came that we might live.

SACRIFICE: His love held Him on that cross bearing our sin.

RISEN: Sin’s price has been paid, and He lives. 

LORD: Every knee will bow and declare that it’s true.

JESUS: He came to deliver His own.

CHRIST: He’s Messiah, Jesus Christ. Praise His name! 

Oh praise to the Father, the Spirit, the Son!