Thursday, February 9, 2023


Grief is such a fickle feeling,   

Waning and waxing like the moon, 

And sometimes sitting still like fog, 

Hovering, hindering sight. 

Sometimes it trickles down upon you; 

Sometimes it rains down hard, 

Flooding, drowning, carrying you 

To where it seems so dark. 

Then the sun shines through the rain 

And memories resurface, 

Those puffy clouds of happiness 

That turn your countenance. 

Yes grief is such a fickle feeling, 

But Jesus is the same today

And yesterday and tomorrow.

He changes not. I’ll rest in Him.


Gone from us but not gone forever.

Though we mourn today, we’ll rejoice forever,

For earthly death is not the end of his story. 

He has a Savior that gives life eternal.

He loved his life with his wife and children.

His grandchildren were truly his crown of glory.

United in love because our God is love,

We will treasure this life and the one to come.

Roger Kevin McLennan

June 16, 1955-January 29, 2023

“Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,”

‭‭John‬ ‭11‬:‭25‬