Saturday, October 11, 2008


I have been tagged by my dear friend Melissa at so I am supposed to list 6 random things about myself and tag 6 more people.

1. I am 30 weeks pregnant, and the gender of the baby is a surprise.
2. I love to bake homemade breads, preferably with freshly ground flour. I am currently grinding wheat from my father-in-law's farm.
3. I am currently studying the Psalms and that inspired me to start this blog.
4. I help my husband teach high school Sunday School, and we are currently studying the 10 Commandments so my first post was a bit of a reflection after studying the 1st commandment. Expect more reflection after this week's lesson on the 2nd.
5. I have recently discovered the wonderful world of chiropractics and believe if you have a good chiropractor, you can avoid a great deal of pain and illness as well as a general feeling of "just being out of whack." (Pun sorta intended.)
6. I, like Melissa, have also recently lost my mind. I truly believe that pregnancy does that to a person. One might think that after the birth of the child, one's mind might return, but I am pretty sure that some brain cells never return after the pregancy, especially those lost trying to push out a baby so I guess I will just have to do without those lost after 4 pregnancies (one resulting in my son, one lost to miscarriage between 9 and 10 weeks, one resulting in my daughter, and one resulting in we'll find out in December).

So I completed the first task of being tagged. Now I am supposed to tag my six people who must link to the person who tagged them, must then list six random things about themselves, and tag six other people, and tell those people they have been tagged.

So I tag Amy, Courtney, Sarah because the others I follow: MollyBeth, Shara, and Melissa have already been tagged.

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