Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Spirit Led at 34 months

We took the kids out for dinner at a restaurant last Saturday evening with my grandfather and two aunts and my sister. Before we went in, we reminded them to stay in their chairs and be quiet. Luke did great. Lydia, not so much. When we returned to the car after dinner, I thanked Luke for his good behavior. He asked what his prize was. I told him that he did not need a prize for obeying, but that his obeying glorified God. Lydia asked Luke if he obeyed God, seeming happy for him that he did. She then solemnly said, "I didn't obey God." I told her I knew. She said it again and said that God was sad. Seeing that she was really concerned, I said, "You can ask God to forgive you." She softly and seriously bowed her head, and prayed, "God, forgive you me. I love you, God. I love you. I will be better next year when we go there." I was deeply moved and thought that I should write this. I believe that the Holy Spirit touched that almost three-year-old heart in a special way. May we also go to the Father for forgiveness and not forget to tell Him how we love Him.

1 comment:

E.K. said...

What a precious story! As Ps. 8 says "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise."