Thursday, January 26, 2012

What It Means to be a Pregnancy Help Center Volunteer

It means welcoming in real people with a warm smile and friendly tone when they may live in a very cold and hateful world.

It means loving unconditionally when women are used to putting up walls, afraid of being judged.

It means speaking the truth in love, smiling inside as you hear words coming from your mouth, knowing the Holy Spirit is bringing them forth.

It means offering a tissue as a hard heart breaks from the love and conviction of that Spirit.

It means sharing the truth even when it is hard because maybe nobody else will.

It means smiling as you see life on an ultrasound screen and that first glimpse of a young mother’s love for her unborn child.

It means sometimes you really get through to them, and sometimes you really don’t feel like you did, but knowing that the Lord is in control and you never know what seeds you planted.

It means trusting God for divine appointment and praising Him for keeping the doors open.

It means fellowship with Godly women, serving Jesus together.

It means that someone who was once a stranger when seen in town now smiles warmly at you, feels connected to you, and shares with others how you were the one that told them they were having their child now toddling beside Mommy.

It means doing something to make a difference for eternity, and that is A BIG DEAL!

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