Monday, June 28, 2010


What a priveledge to come before the King!

What an honor to be Your child!

Why am I hesitant?

Why don't I run near?

Oh, I chat with You throughout the day,

But to be intimate, alone, go deep...

To really enter the Holy of Holies...

Oh I'm fearful I think,

Comfortable to pray here and there,

But I know that there's more,

I'm invited to go closer.

Sure I read Your Word.

I hear You speak to me.

I learn and I'm filled with Your joy.

I'm in awe of You, and I know...

Closer... closer is better

But YOU ARE GOD, and I'm just a girl,

Fragile and human, not holy like You.

You call me to be holy...

You want me to learn from You...

I must go closer to be more like You.


Okay Lord, I'm scared but willing to go


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