Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayer for Baby Matt

Lord, I pray for Baby Matt,
Born not so long ago.
He’s sick and we are puzzled,
But we know You’re in control.

I know that You can heal him,
And I know You will.
Whether here on earth, soon
Or in heaven, he’ll be healed.

For his life right now,
I pray Your love he feels.
Thank you for his parents
Who before You do kneel.

Thank you that Matt’s life
Will make an earthly difference
He’s brought many to Your throne
To pray with more vigilance.

My prayer for him is to glorify you,
And I see Your will being done.
I look at his story and pictures,
And I know many lives he will touch.

So bless each time he’s rocked.
Bless each time he’s hugged.
Bless each time it’s whispered,
“You’re a baby boy I love.”

Please bless the arms that hold him.
Bless the ones that truly care.
Give them special grace, Lord,
For all that they will bear.

Oh, thank you for this family
Sharing your love with another
For the mother and the father,
For the sister and the brother.

Lord, I pray for Baby Matt,
Born not so long ago.
I thank you for your peace and love
Through him You mightily show.

1 comment:

amy said...

thank you again for this em. i love it.